Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel

0 x 0 cm, © 2021, € 15,00
Tweedimensionaal | Fotografie | Digitaal bewerkt

Archangel Jophiel, her name means "the beauty of God". As she flow with glance through the universe with her archangel squad. She posses the Yellow Ray and her element is fire. She works with the "Halls of Wisdom" if wisdom is what you desire. She is the beauty and the creative spark. Helps you connect with your higher self when you have been disembark. With joy, positivity, wisdom and intuition she helps you grow. Put you back on your life purpose, so it's you who flows. She can heal you from negativity, illness and long last terms. Ask for her help she absolutely will confirms. - Lisa de Hoogh